Chemical Skin Resurfacing

A chemical peel implements the use of various chemical solutions to improve the appearance of facial skin by removing damaged outer layers. Chemicals are applied by Atlanta Aesthetics & Skin Care (AASC) licensed estheticians to the epidermal layers of skin: causing the face to peel and regenerate new skin cells.

Chemical peels performed at our Atlanta, GA spas’ are helpful in reducing facial blemishes, wrinkles, and uneven skin tones. Patients with only slight sun damage or acne and sensitive skin may benefit most from lighter peels, while those who have more damage may need a deeper peel. Since chemical peel strengths vary, AASC will find the perfect strength to meet your specific needs.

Vi Peel™

With a blend of phenolic acids, vitamin C, and Retin-A, the Vi Peel™ will improve the appearance of any skin type with little to no downtime. Patients who choose the Vi Peel™ will see a reduction in age spots, hyperpigmented lesions (including melasma), and the size of their pores. By stimulating collagen and elastin production, fine lines and wrinkles also decrease. Patients with acne or scars from past acne will also notice clearer skin.

Unlike other chemical peels, the Vi Peel™ is designed to safely even skin tone and improve the appearance of blemishes and wrinkles on the face and body including the hands, arms, chest, elbows, and even knees. This peel produces results on all skin types and with little to no discomfort. Patients with sensitive skin may experience a stinging sensation during application, but our licensed estheticians use cooling methods, such as a fan, to minimize the sensation. This quick, twenty minute treatment will continue to work by gradually improving the appearance of skin for about a week after the treatment. While you’ll see great results with just one Vi Peel™, this chemical peel is designed to be used three or four times a year to correct the signs of aging and surface imperfections.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eius tempor incididunt minim.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eius tempor incididunt minim.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eius tempor incididunt minim.